That's what progression and wins will do.
It's interesting that our record pretty much matches UK and yet they are ranked in the top 10, but will be sliding down a bit. I'd say our...
As for Golden, he has transformed this team just in the second year. This team is better period. He evaluated team's needs and went out and found...
How many times did he remind everybody they were short handed. They weren't in gvile and had we made ft's we would have won. I love it when Cal loses.
"These young coaches are making a habit of beating our washed up old turd!" That one made me laugh. Funny how SEC programs are the same when...
Two key second half drops doomed the Lions.
LOL, actually that was a classic response. Well played.
BN must have read my posts
Mahommes could surpass the goat before its all over.
I think Kugel was built up more than he is. When our center went down last year Kugel stepped up. A lot was expected of him this year and I'm sure...
Not by design. First, we had issues getting the ball past half court. The guys by themselves wanted to protect the lead whereas coach didn't want...
One sport has noticeable improvement in the second year.
That is so true, Tom Smith, at 325 Kane St, Gainesville fl
We prefer big, slow and unathletic linemen - Real Men of Genius. Brought to you by the makers of Bud Light.
That's not the point. If your employment is tied to whether or not the hc will have a winning season then it's easy to see how tempting an TAM job...
I would be very surprised if SS doesn't take the TAM job. I think he sees the writing on the wall and it would be best for him to move on.
Unless Baker gets hurt or somehow stinks it up next year, he will be the starter.
A 4 year losing streak, and should it happen a third under BN and you have a catastrophe. He will not get an extension. UF will be easy to recruit...
He hires the D coaches and he is involved in recruiting the players including on the D side. He is ultimately responsible for the success or failures.
So you're saying BN has pulled over at the rest stop in Valdosta Ga. and has pulled the map out?