First, it would have been good for him to say nothing but I'm sure he was asked and he spoke his heart. I understand why he left and to be totally...
A big question is what happened to our O rebounding in the second half? No doubt they were challenged but why did we not meet that challenge? I...
I think SOS has bitten his tongue more than once re BN ineptitude with on and off field decisions. BN has been given so much and has done so...
Once game was in hand for usce the refs could afford ticky tack fouls. Either these refs are biased or with sports betting - paid.
Richards a no show, poor second half rebounding I think zero offensive rebounds that can't happen, not figured out zone offense, and bad reffing.
Richards is no show this game on offense, usually we lose when this happens. But agree, the refs have helped usce to turn things around. Biased...
It's great to see what really good coaching can do. Love the improvement we're seeing with basketball.
We still could use practice in handling the press, but other than that after a tough loss at bama, team looking good especially on D end.
Way too late in the year to have acquired anyone else I think. Seems to have had a lot of experience. I hope he brings out the puke buckets.
Well deserved indeed. Fun to watch winning basketball.
"They continually enjoy pointing out shortcomings of the team we love and explain it away as "just presenting facts." There are at least a few...
I understand where you are coming from but that seems awful subjective doesn't it? It's possible if Ali was on GC and no one knew her husband was...
Were any comments mean spirited or unfounded, or out of place based on the context of the OP or replies of others?
I'm curios, fill us in on how to identify trolls from non trolls? What exactly is your definition of a troll? And lastly, how can you be certain...
Great get BN.
Hey, "Don't happy" do do do do dodo do
LOL, my bad UM = Urban Myer, I think there were a few times under him where we beat a team that that was more talented than us. I think perhaps...
How great was SOS in recruiting when we won all those SEC championships? Were there any other teams we played cough cough uga who had more talent?...
There's a lot of merit/truth in what you say. But you will agree I think that when UF was great from time to time, it was largely due to having a...
It's possible this move will allow the guy to be the ST's coach instead of the analyst.