Ok . My apologies ! I’m just so pissed about everything right now . I’m in my last chapter of life and everything with the school I love sucks
Amen Tommy! In about 2 hours that’s where I’m headed.. With wife beside me .
You made a flippant remark about if he admitted that it was just an extramarital affair it would be ok to keep the job . Do you really think that?...
Kind of my thoughts too. One of the complaints were there is a sexist culture going on , not limited to basketball!
You are 100% correct
Well posted Exile. Why do we drag our heart and really our lives for this University and it’s sports!
This Administration? Yes !!!
Please delete your post !
Exactly but the Ath Administration and University Administration are always making horse crap decisions!!! We are a freaking laughing stock . We...
And respond to what ?? Denials ?
And that is the issue
I’m not a fan of the alligator but this is way too much for anyone to say there is nothing to it . I believe he did these things . The innocent...
Dang Will
Damn they aren’t the best looking student body . Reptiles look like the Duke Crazies .. and that ain’t good
That was pretty good lol
We were forced to accept Biden / Harris …
Get ya a woman, pull her hair and she will make ya breakfast in the morning
I have ESPN PLUS. I do have Direct Go to guide then to Apps to ESPN , it’s right there
Least you know how to do something