Why would you bring that up ? Lol
@gatorwalrus , didn’t realize you were a Cam Ward and Cane fan . Sorry to hurt ur feelings!
Screw him
Yes , oh hell yes
Just don’t care!
We will see them in Gville next year .. let’s see what happens
Sark did u really ask for a replay? U are a true turd ! 42-3 and u want a replay ? I hate Texas as much as Georgia
Seems to have been this way for awhile
These is too much here to ignore
Well he’s married for one Inappropriate pics Messages
All sports or just basketball. ?
Only at UF do those odds get better. Things that at at UF you can’t make it up. Never will we be at peace . Guess we struck a deal with the devil...
I can only hope! But with the Luck we are having no way this will be good
Direct messaging ?
We love ya Davis !!! That’s why we messin
We have had our moments there also . But I will stop right now with that .
I was gonna make a comment about that . Lol