using AI to write court documents. AI that cited 7 fictional cases out of 9. how does one keep their license after doing this Lawyers Of...
our generation Howard Hughes, with his fingers and sweet nothings controlling our potus heck yeah,we all want $5k... maybe he can front it until...
what would be the first indicators that policy on the ground is changing? quit sharing intel so less long range precision strikes?? what is the...
just relax and pretend to enjoy is his SOP, everyone from porn stars to assault victims can verify
SOP. no comment on the substance are you saying this is incorrect or this is acceptable? no way in hell this guy had security clearance but he...
I know that multiple career civil servants, heads of their agencies, resigned their leadership positions because access was being granted to...
top secret still has serious limitations. they decided not to try for anything mroe lest his drug use and unsavory connections be brought into the...
that was before dear leader explained how it is patriotic to sell out your fellow citizens and support our sworn enemies..oops, meant pay more to...
there are millions and millions of people with birthdates more than 100 years ago still on the SS database that is totally independent of how...
115 year hard stop. in place since 2015. solid as concrete. totally intentionally ignored. the musketttes are like a band of chicken littles and...
everything that has ever went to trial has stuck, and he has lost. trials where facts and laws matter, decided by juries, not politicians. it's...
their brilliance is shining through.. this is who we have to bypass all national security protocols for because they have to save us right away...
Again, nothing of substance. Seems to be your SOP. Do I need to spell that out for your sensitivities, use proper grammar, and spell check on a...
Why does anybody believe anything the man says? Musk is following dear leader and just throwing stuff against the wall with no basis in reality...
it is the way that it is being done that is the problem. that seems to be lsot on you IG's ahve been documenting ways to cut costs and prevent...
exactly. mirrors afghanistan to a tee. settle up with putin without ukraine there, get new elections powered by misinformation fed by Musk and...
do you believe gubmnt employees making decisions involving the airline should take free biz class upgrades from said airline? how about suite...
words do matter he is parroting russian talking points he is questioning the validity of Zelensky leadership and calling for elections -...
then renegotiate gubmt employee contracts to get rid of the pension benefits. don't just outsource it to MAGA donor #34 so he can provide chitty...
is this what americu thought it was voting for?? stand up MAGA..proclaim your support for rapists