I do not want to wish ill on most people, but when prices on everything at Wal-Mart go up 60-100%, Trump-ets will finally get a good taste of what...
I do. For just about all of the daily expense.
Is he going to do that right before, or right after he gets Mexico to pay for that wall?
Are you sure? He has already shown on Jan 6 an utter and total disregard for the US Constitution. I do not put it past the Terrorist...
If I were an operative outside of the US right now, I would be quitting my assignment and immediately flying to an EU country seeking asylum. Now...
This is 100% true. Bacerra is a lawyer and concerned himself with legal aspects of healthcare policy. He failed as a leader at the start of the...
Make no mistake, it still is. On this subject, the far-left and far-right agree. What is disturbing is the growing number of people who have...
Measles Mumps Rubella Small Pox Polio Protussis Diptherya Tetanus Influenza A/B Actually, yes. Until MAGA went flipping nuts, what we were...
Probably a natural fit. The Onion writers can learn a thing or two about creating funny fiction from the Infowars folks.
This is not funny, because families are about to be destroyed, but.....I will just shake my head and smirk a little bit when the very same S....
Ignorance still limiting yours I see. Trying to explain in terms the target audience can understand. Still too many syllables I see. Maybe I...
I am just waiting for the modern day Enabling Act to be passed into law, so when the Dems take back the House and Senate in 2026, the Dic-tator...
That would assume that the people discussing it have the capacity to both read and comprehend. I am going with "no", almost no one knows what a...
Whether or not this chicken-sh!t move skirts the senate or not, he has to survive and FBI background investigation. Can't wait to see the bodies...
First appointment that Trump has made that is fitting. A pedophile and sex trafficker now in charge of the Justice Department for a President...
Tesla builds cars in Shanghai = cheaper than US. Tesla pays import fees to US to bring cars from Shanghai = still cheap. Tesla getting ass kicked...
Cost. Margin. Placate his daddy Xi.
No. Additionally, the vast majority of components used in the cars that are assembled in the US come from China.