I think I found a teeterboro [IMG]
What's this Gruden to Vols mess?? I thought Gruden was coming to be Chip's OC
Are they not waiting to announce after the season, basically SECCG week? Not sure where I read that
Regarding timing.. Do you think they'll wait as long as the week of the SECCG to announce the new coach? Or is it mission critical to announce as...
Relative... [IMG]
We're all left in outer space here... [IMG]
When can we do the happy dance damnit [IMG]
Damn the suspense and expectation. Well, as we wait [IMG]
Gotta say though..from will to mac to Kelly, albeit a very painful one, is a damn nice progression...FINALLY!
Someone in BenTrill's AO buy that man a beer/whiskey (whatever his drink of choice). Hell, throw the meal in on my tab
Celebratory?? [IMG]
Gotta get to 100, just for principle
Spetsnaz GRU would provide excellent coaching to the players
I'll be pissed to lose out on Kelly to A&M or the Vols and Frost to Nebraska or A&M, only to settle for Norvell or Taggert