We will not beat USC nor will we beat FSU. This team needs some soul searching
Where do I start??? I went to the game tonight. $200 bucks for my ticket, another $100 on souvenirs. The pregame crowd was excited, people were...
At least the fans here gave me credit for the LSU fumble Their kick returner was right in front of me and I was screaming fumble fumble fumble...
How is he negative Come to the game and watch. This defense there’s just no excuse for not getting one single stop on third down last week and...
You mean like winning??
Sitting here in section 16 row 29 People are freaking pissed No damn defense and inexcusable use of time outs
Hey don’t start this stuff.:( Tickets cost to much!!!
?? If you’re asking me I didn’t go to school in Jax I arrived in Jax in 1977 (Navy)
I got an email from the GDNR today concerning an error on their previous email concerning the dates of the hunting season. They corrected the...
Thanks everyone for your input I look forward to an exciting time tomorrow and I am absolutely thrilled at 65 freaking years old to be able to...
Any idea of how far a walk ?
I’m driving to Gainesville tomorrow just to scout out the area and check parking options. My relatives texted me this morning to see what I’d...
He needs to fire him
No it’s not inconceivable It’s reality
Unreal Unreal Unreal
This defense This defensive coordinator has got to be Grantham son
3rd and 22 !!!!! You can’t make this up
3rd and 22 Grantham defense