I have not been a member for six weeks, this name has been a member for six weeks. You’re not quite as brilliant as your mouth leads your brain...
Mock all you want I don’t care. Your personal comments are yours to make. Like I said I can back mine up.
I am not the person from TOS, my info came to me directly via email and I saved every correspondence to my important folder so that I don’t lose...
I absolutely 100% most certainly do.
I can tell you emphatically right now that AR will not be on this team next year. I can tell you that knowing it is fact. You can screenshot...
I am serious
If the mods are going to moderate then why don’t they stop this embarrassing thread. Good gosh get over this kid
Ummmm excuse me but what exactly is ours doing?
At least they won look at what we’re putting on the field
I’d give fifty bucks to see Steve Spurrier face right now. You know he’s got to be the most pissed person in the stadium
No you don’t just maybe if these guys cared just a little bit georgia wouldn’t have the football every 3rd play
Kirby is going to score at least 2 touchdowns every quarter if not more. He’s going to absolutely embarrass the University of Florida and this...
I’m trying to find the correct word to describe both the offense and the defense. I mean come on let’s be just a little bit realistic here. This...
Too late this team did
Are they quitters???
You would think that with two weeks to prepare that just maybe a light would click on for somebody or everybody but apparently it’s not happening...
When did we get a defensive line?
It’s not every little play it’s the same guys getting beat consistently. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and...
I can see right now I gotta shut the TV off I’m not buying a new one.