Yeah, Biden did so great his own party gave him the boot.
I just hate to think how disappointed all the Hollywood people are.
How's the House looking?
Then why are the dems and their media so upset?
If we need people to do work, that's fine but they need to be documented. Illegals should be unacceptable to everyone.
Why would any adult with a high paying career put themselves in that position?
31-21 Texas
It would look good on Kamala's resume. DEI Vice President DEI Presidential Nominee DEI President That's an impressive list of handouts.
Why can't Biden step down now and hand Kamala the Presidency.
Never underestimate the dems ability to find lost votes.
That's pretty pathetic.
Is there a more corrupt city than Atlanta?
Can you imagine working with Kamala and hearing that cackling all day long?
I wonder what President-elect Trump's favorite foods are?
So you think the charges against Trump were not totally motivated by politics?
You mean those people are going to have to start earning their own way?
I think most adults know that the impeachments and charges related to the election are nothing but political stunts.
Ya hate to see it.
They've been listening to democrats for years and now they're starting to pay attention to what they actually do.
It's absolutely not over until everybody quits counting.