Better not receive bad news when this thing flips to page 666.
Alright, who wants to take the role of dissecting the 11:15 presser? Any ideas on what may or may not be revealed? Need someone doing a body...
When will it be updated to "magma chamber"?
Nobody knows anything except the people that met last night. WE were 24 hours and ~100 pages ago..
Leaving it with the night crew, I expect to pick up around page 700 in the am.
Stay the course!
Anyway you can sort this by "relevance" and "insider source", then alphabetize it? *this post just moved me up about a 100 spots.
Just doing my part to advance the conjecture of this thread, concerned we're not gonna make it past a 1000 pages.
Shouldn't Kelly's agent be present for the contract, instead of out entertaining offers from UCLA?
Nussmier was making the calls.