Our defense is making every running back for Mississippi State look like Walter Payton
I don’t quite agree with that. The offense is actually looked pretty good. Only two in completions throughout the game so far.
That could be a problem with true freshmen they don’t yet understand Ball protection we were lucky to recover that.
Is it possible that Mississippi states defense is worse than ours?
Yay, a fourth down turnover and recovery now drive down the field and take a bunch of time off the clock.
The refs keep bailing them out. This is getting disgusting.
Terrible tackling! Rinse repeat.
When you drop eight guys into coverage, how is the receiver that wide open?
OK, nice drive and response by the office. Now D please blow up and hold them. We can’t keep going back-and-forth.
Another great scoring play negated by a stupid penalty. We don’t play under control. Disappointing.
This defense is scary bad!
Our defense line is getting bully whipped!
This is going to be short. Don’t get cute Billy punt!
Yeah, I hate by weeks, but this does give us the opportunity to get healthy, especially Trey Wilson
so now you have to order your guacamole with or without fentanyl!
Who if anybody is televising the UFUCF game in two weeks?
Dang, the old defense is back!
Dang, are we actually progressing or is Mississippi state just that bad? I’m hopeful that maybe we’re turning the corner.