if we miss out on kelly and frost then it's probably best to pay matt campbell's buyout. that said, i still think we get kelly.
Checking in from Portland. He's definitely not here.
was just coming to post this
i think it is a done deal, but people have had to backtrack so that it doesn't take the wow factor out of an official announcement. no way fuchs...
i actually want lane to be head coach for the las vegas raiders. just wait til they move.
he's from new hampshire. works two days a week at espn. never has been a "west coast guy". also a conservative.
everyone needs to calm down with all the ucla silliness. if anything i'd be worried about a&m, which is a comparable program. ucla is not on the...
doubt it. probably won't be til after the fsu game. the following monday presser, etc.
na, people are now running with what he said last week. same quote.
not saying what my own preference is. just giving a scenario. i can't read sticklin's mind. i've had kelly at number 1 the whole time. i've...
no doubt. lotta click whoring going on right now. ima just do what strick says and relax. dude already knows what's up. we're just waiting to...
strick has this wrapped up. just waiting on the "suprise" press conference. maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. it's all good. the only way we...
checking in from portland
i've been preaching the same thing since this search started. it's baffling how people think.
at least i work while nothing is happening. kelly was my top choice, but i didn't think it was realistic because he wanted back in the nfl....
we probably did already. frost to lincoln i guess.
most concrete news of the day tbh.
hard to judge kelly's offenses against elite defenses when he was at a talent disadvantage in the trenches. oregon finally put a decent oline...
his defenses at oregon were pretty good considering the talent they had, or lack of. had an annual problem of putting together a solid oline and...