“Old man suggests you should get a six-shooter to protect yourself” is at least an interesting change from the normal “old man suggests protecting...
I think there’s a big chunk that like the concepts, a decent size chunk that like the man, and the biggest chunk just like “not a Dem.”
I think folks are overblowing the debate performance here relative to Trump’s past debate performances. The post-debate polling after his first...
I’m a member of the one musical fanbase more dedicated then hers - as in literally only listen to one band and their spin-offs/side projects. And...
Saw a tweet that I thought was interesting. Who, a decade ago, would believe that the Democratic nominee for president would get on the debate...
Maybe I’m wrong, but I suspect that’s not much of a needle mover. “Celebs back Dems” isn’t anything new, and I think the people “Swiftie” enough...
No, I’m just noting that it’s not actually a position (or at least not one that isn’t changeable on a literally daily basis). The part of that...
You’re giving a lot of credit to yes I used to be opposed to fracking but now I’m not at least while we’re standing in Pennsylvania, and I may or...
Nah, folks have to stay in their lanes around here and that particular role is what we have @GatorJMDZ for. ;)
And to pile on to that, it’s not like either of them are policy hard hitters or running on a well-developed platform (she arguably had one in...
He’s never seemed terribly prepared for any debate he’s ever done. He’s largely traded on the fact that a fairly sizable chunk of voters...
He did well on the last couple of topics when he started finally paying attention and focusing. He clearly wasn’t going to win on questions like...
The trick of debates: the other side is obviously going to say something about you, so just say “I have to respond to that” and the moderators...
They’ve both done it consistently all night. He just finally figured out in the last 20 minutes how to effectively use it instead of just jumping...
He’s finally found a strategy that works: ABC is behind on time and has a bunch of substantive issues they actually need to hit, so he can jump...
Neither of them has said anything of substance about much of anything, abortion is just the one where he can’t figure out how to coherently say...
Trump doesn’t listen well enough to take easy openings. Her “if he was President, Putin would be sitting in Kiev” for example - were he smart...
Were Trump not so focused on correcting how much he inherited, he could have nailed her on the word salad answer about her values (although,...
People who graduated prior to 1972? Because that’s what it called itself, and even WaPo articles about Trump’s attendance reference it as “what...
Your criticism is that he left the “and Commerce” off the name of his school? Do you also fuss at people who say they graduated from Virginia...