There are semi-auto derivatives of AKs that are legal, and I’m going to guess that’s potentially what this was since he didn’t catch an illegal...
And seems pretty clear that he was, in fact, a prohibited person given that the federal charges he was arraigned on this morning are felon in...
If that’s true, I’m a little surprised he doesn’t have a federal conviction as well (or maybe he does and they haven’t reported it yet). Because,...
Well, given that he apparently tried to shoot someone, pretty clearly so. But there’s a number of felonies on that criminal record list, so...
State law can call it whatever they want. North Carolina picked the words “weapons of mass death and destruction” to call the things covered by...
Tough to tell whether that sentence makes sense or not without knowing more about what the “weapon of mass destruction” was. State statutes using...
Not sure what’s going on with that picture - I think it’s maybe fake? She seems to be a pretty terrible person, but I don’t think from any...
While it’s certainly only ever used in a derogatory manner, and completely agree that both of these two are idiots, I’ve never understood it to be...
Beneath your dignity. [IMG]
If you really want to play statistics, and assuming you’re getting your 5 per year from that WaPo article, 10 of those 51 defensive AR uses were...
As I’ve already noted, mine personally isn’t an AR (or “AR family” even) in the first place, although it is a rifle and would be covered by...
Somewhat. It was fun, but it was also somewhat dumb to do it, knowing photos of it would be meme’d all over right wing Twitter, when they were...
I’m not trying to clear my house, I’m perfectly happy to get stationary at a choke point. And “assault weapon” doesn’t necessarily mean 5.56 or...
It just wasn’t the smartest move to do it the day after Trump insisted in the debate that Joe Biden hates Kamala Harris.
I was referring to his 2020 debate with Biden. In all three years he’s run, Trump’s first debate with the opposing nominee has been objectively...
I think y'all may be talking past each other. While yes, that’s how incorporation worked, I read Rick’s post as noting that the Second Amendment...
I want a suppressor to limit the hearing damage I’m causing to myself if I have to shoot inside, not to avoid disturbing others (a suppressed gun...
He is, like anyone else, welcome to have whatever thoughts on it he wants. I’m just not real clear why anyone would care what Steve Spurrier’s...
Easier to shoot accurately quickly than a handgun, and just better suited for home defense. If you want to run a light and suppressor (both of...
It’s not something I’m going to carry to defend myself while I’m out and about, but yes, my home defense gun is 100% a rifle (mine personally...