Did more bad news for Biden and his criminal son come out? That's usually the key to new filings on Trump.
I'm here to chew bubble gum and piss you off, and I'm all out of gum.
I mean really, who didn't know this? Interesting New Pew Study; White Liberals More Likely To Have Mental Problems
IRS is in a hiring free for all. And, the current regime hasn't been in charge for those 100 years. The liberals currently leading .gov positions...
I don't trust those in charge at the IRS to select the armed agents for their suitability for the role rather than their equity goals x 87,000.
Townhall Media on Instagram: "BOOOOOM: Charlamagne tha God gets MIC-DROPPED by Larry Elder!"
Why does the IRS need their own army? [MEDIA]
Was this storm named after the famed climber or the never-to-be-President loser that was named after the climber?
Oher is a lying POS: Michael Oher received $100K in 'Blind Side' profits
I assume it was something cold.
Are the 2 Elves named Pons and Fleischmann?
Oh, Good For You... Like you have any "inside information"? It's all speculation at this point, I'm speculating that Oher is full of sh$t. He's...
Are you kidding? She's pissed every day she isn't in the White House, she was "owed" the position in her foul mind.
Oher looking for a payday. Eff him.
Are they as corrupt as their government?