Measles Magic
Per Mike Stone — As they ramp up measles fear, remember: The WHO admits— 1. Clinical diagnosis is unreliable. 2. Vaccinated cases can be...
Fact Check: Plausible [MEDIA]
Ukraine (and the U.S. by extension) is like the Paul Newman character in Cool Hand Luke. After getting the ever living s*** pounded out of us,...
This post flagged for irony.
I must say Caitlin is ferocious … These histrionics are as depraved as they are ridiculous. Obviously the war in Ukraine needs to end. Polls say...
Seems to me the fact that we are surrounded by great oceans and benign nations has kept us safe. I just think you have to have mortal enemies...
Your thug has thoroughly humiliated your designs to date. But there’s still a glimmer of hope, however vanishingly small, that you can rage-type...
First documented measles death. We’re not panicking nearly enough … [ATTACH]
The U.S. has been at war 93% of its existence. Has engineered some 400 military interventions in that time, some 200 since the end of the Cold War...
Australia’s new submarines won’t arrive until the 2040’s. By that time China will have flying submarines … [MEDIA]
I like it!
While our already moribund military faces the prospects of severe cuts, China is reportedly building an underground military facility large enough...
Now let’s play Mexico! We’ll beat the sarapes off of them!
None of these behaviors seem especially weird to me. Have you talked to him much ? And it’s probably a good thing he’s not taking his meds....
I’m getting ti Well, our expert of experts Fauci’s ‘Covid lethality’ estimates varied by a factor of ten in a 24 hour period, ranging from...
Add Niall Ferguson among historians who argue that England was the primary belligerent in WWI World War One: 10 interpretations of who started...
Well, they did show up to do the heavy lifting, in Europe, so that we could glory in our D-Day. And this is how you show your gratitude with all...
Not a full article, but you get the drift … The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? | Marcia Angell