Touching the third rail … Our so-called Greatest Generation wasn’t.
I’ll check back in 29 days.
What’s wrong with going Roman Empire ? For starters, better roads.
Anti-mask is not ultimately political. Indeed, there are plenty of leftists, in my no virus camp, who understand there is nothing to mask for....
No scientific evidence for viruses. Therefore, no viral cause of cancer. Accordingly, no such thing as injectable cancer preventatives.
Dumbass dentist … “Could you open your mouth a little wider ? Oh, duh! Could you take your mask off ?”
I enjoy fact-checking the fact checkers. Whenever possible, I track down the individual fact-checker and engage them directly … TRUE: America is...
LOL, when doctors graduate from med school they’ve probably learned more about the vaccine schedule than about the tenets of virology.
“Without even thinking about it” is a godsend for Big Pharma.
Things that aren’t scientific evidences for viruses: Cold or flu symptoms. Simultaneous symptoms. Positive PCR test. Excess mortality....
With the blessings of psychiatrists, you can murder a man with an axe, eat and eyeball and part of his brain and enjoy a conditional release! CT...
It’s a new day … [MEDIA]
“We gotta stop all this consumin’!” — the late Senator Ernest “Fritz” Hollings —
I have good friends who went a China, ten years ago, to teach English. They told me that every morning their Chinese pupils would show up, before...
I can tell you don’t get around much. Look, I get that I torment you. Try not to think about me and go back to your habit of cursing at the...
China is unstoppable. Might as well be friends. [MEDIA]
The so-called Greatest Generation was amenable to appointing FDR President-for-Life but fascism.
I’ve witnessed people undertake similar strategies when there was no implication of mental illness. Remember, I’m not saying the behaviors... Is there really any need to...
Tif you believe there is anything to vaccinate for then it’s my turn to ask for a link.