This analysis points to the demise of European, but also serves to explain why Trump is proposing a trilateral arms reduction treaty while, at the...
Russians read their news and they read our news. Knowing the U.S.’ longstanding aims to see Putin’s ouster and his country weakened, Russians can...
It’s leaving fast! [MEDIA]
Putin shudders … [MEDIA]
A new train station is announced in Boston. It is expected to take twenty years to build. China will have flying trains by then.
And everything you spewed is a valid reason to get off China’s lawn.
Why didn’t somebody think about this earlier ? Think about all the Ukrainians that could have been saved! [MEDIA]
I’ve seen evidence that Russia throwing meat waves at the Ukrainians. Are you sure you’re not talking about the “10,000 North Koreans” ?
Gotta keep an eye on China. It’s putting itself awfully close to our bases … [ATTACH]
They are ?
Here’s one area where interests have not aligned …...
How is it that your Russophobic and Sinophobic posts always turn into novel-length missives against Trump ?
I am suggesting that the notion that the Russians are attacking in “meat waves” is sheer projection.
If China had radicalized Mexico against in the way the U.S. has radicalized Ukraine against Russia … well, we already know your inconsistency is...
It’s like she was lying in wait.
American doctor to sick patient … “Are you able to cash in your 401k ?” Canadian doctor to sick patient … “Have you considered dying ?”
… the president who suspended elections ?
Let’s come clean. You don’t care one with about the Ukrainians. You just hate Russians. And the proxy war is affording you the occasion to...