Yeah dude isolationism in a global economy. China won’t take advantage at all. Trust me bro.
What did you learn on your PragerU subscription that’s enlightened you?
You don’t really believe that do you lol
Lol. Kamala Harris was the Jeb Bush of the left
Most seem to have forgotten trump was president for 4 years and we had Mike Lindell in the White House discussing policy. However we will soon all...
it’s like talking to people who are convinced they should invest in an multi level marketing “opportunity”. They will see it eventually but are...
yes this is what I expected. Nothing
you doth protest too much. Sound like a red hat wearing, Muskite with a tapout bumper sticker to me
I wish I could be ignorant enough to have never read a text book to see how wars in Europe have impacted the US.
Big Jill Stein fan then? If you refer to people as “dems” or “libs”, 99% chance you are a Rogan enjoyer
lol well I did agree with your first draft of this one. The two parties are not the same as pre 2008. Both have changed fundamentally and there is...
sounds like a typical snowflake. Sorry I upset your delicate sensibilities with logic and reason. Get back to your Joe Rogan listening and your...
Please tell me what Trump did to stop illegal immigration in his 4 years in charge as well. The only reason the borders are open is because we...
At what cost do you want to wage a "gotcha war" over social issues?
Dana White spoke at the presidential acceptance speech and shouted out Aiden Ross. This is what you voted for. Yes, I will insult you for it. Low...
Please name me what is conservative about the Trump administration's policies. Trump increased the national debt by about $8t in his time in...
I watched an amazing documentary from the BBC on the Balkan war. Was extremely comprehensive. Reality was crazy. The fact the war ended in Dayton,...
These are not talking points, but just facts. Examples of his policies: 1) Closing the CFPB whose sole purpose is to protect consumers 2) Cutting...
With Biden/Kamala, people were voting like conservatives used to vote. For status quo. With Trump, the nation has plunged itself into uncertainty....
Lol imagine people who still think pollution is a lie and that voting machines from 2020 are being hidden in Ukraine being told they are wrong....