Maybe the head of the party that has not one conservative value
But what is more impressive? Playing two positions or singlehandedly taking a team to compete in the playoff?
I really hope Jeanty goes bonkers in the playoffs so they might think about moving the voting. Hunter is great, but Jeanty deserved it more...
The voting needs to happen after the playoffs. Stupid
Is this a Mel Kiper award or a college football award based on on-field performance?
Could this be how Gundy gets them back for making him restructure his deal?
it was funny but also usually true when the Vols said it though. 2001 was a prime example. One of the biggest what ifs in Florida football history
please tell me we don’t have Mullen and Kiffin apologists in here
Ha pleasing the “people at the time” is exactly the mindset that led to Trump and populism. Presidents are evaluated on their impact to America...
I really don't disagree on the GHWB foreign policy. But domestically was just so underwhelming. Didn't do too much wrong though. JQA I don't...
Clinton's main responsibility is his cabinet ignoring Brooksley Born (ignoring is not even the right word for what they did actually). No single...
Clinton administration should be remembered long term as one of the worst administrations though. I really was impressed by his balanced budget...
John Adams vastly underrated. If Jefferson were listened to at that time, US would have been drug into a huge mess with France. He did that even...
That ranking of president's is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Obama above Ike. Carter above Polk. Bush 1 over John Quincy Adams....
They used to be quite a bit better before they had to compete with Newsmax for the lunatic fringe. For a long while the actual news quality of Fox...
Have you ever turned on Hannity before?
Cam Jackson was pretty good lol.
I’d rather they pay to get an expensive portal WR anyway
armchair amateur take: Price levels are a national problem (rent and food) already. They keep wanting to lower interest rates to make sure that...
People want to remember what it is like to have a deep recession again I guess. Couple a recession with inflation that is still not under control,...