They must have rewritten the obstruction rule specificly the play at home. I didn't agree with it with UK and don't agree with this one. I need...
What do they expect the catcher to do? - stand on her head?
Looks like CTW is trying to get that obstruction call replay. I don't agree it.
TBH, I think our all blue and orange & blue unis are looking kinda tired. I don't recall the last time we wore our anthrucite or orange pinstripe...
We need some clutch hitting. Are you listening Katie?
Yeah, I think that's the nature of white unis - they are pretty unforgiving for non-athletic bodies.
I think their unis look nice. It's how some of the players fill them out that detracts from their appearance.
First of all, is this really a new tradition? I thought we were doing this as far back as I followed Gator softball (like since 2008). Secondly,...
Alright, time to stop messing around. Let's score 4 and end this foolishness!
This is puzzling.
This is where all those LOB hurt.
Yes. I think Schoonover has found her stride. This is why everyone said she was UK's #1 - altho you couldn't tell in yesterday's game!
... and that is why Goddard can't seem to earn the DP as a regular. She strikes out looking too much. I don't know what she was looking for.
Gosh, Otis looks like a real ball player. VERY good eye at the plate and can hit.
You just knew that someone who has had much batting success in travel ball was gonna translate that success in college sooner or later.
Is this the first week Mia wore her glasses? What a difference!
I thought she was safe at 2nd. Anthony Smalls strikes again! Lawson should have challenged.
McLellan's BA has been dropping like a rock since conference play. Time to start using another DP?
OK Ava, make it your day!
The Gators have it backwards - load the bases first and then hit the homer.