Counting this game - 4.
Smart play by Cahalen.
Holtorf tagged her on the hand.
Those first 2 at bats of Taylor look like lazy swings, but - oh my! as Mick would say.
Gotcha. I must have been typing and not heard.
Gosh, this is fun!
What happened to Gabi at SS? Could it be she is the DP instead?
I agree, but that only opens up for the next phenom - like Townsen Thomas.
I remember reading something about - if the fence is not at least 200 ft then the fence has to be a certain height. I think USF's foul lines are...
Gabi, cara mia!!
Personally, I'd like to see Gabi bat this game. Give the bench some PT!
[ATTACH] Wow! Holtorf as the DP? Does this mean Comia or Rothrock is not batting? Or is this another typo error?
Gator batters have not yet made any adjustments to Holland. It's too close formy comfort, time is running out.
No, I think it was a typo mistake. Ava is hitting for herself. Gabi never was in the game.
Seems like there has been a lot of "struck out looking" calls. How consistent is the umpire's strike zone?
The Eagles' pitcher Holland seems to be doing well against the Gators. Respect.
I was only listening to the radio, but there were a number of wild pitches/passed balls, balls in the dirt, and perhaps some crossed up signals....
It doesn't sound like Ava is making good contact.
Yeah, that made more sense. Comia at catcher would be quite unusual.
I'm glad to see CTW stick with Bellaire after a rough game yesterday.