I spent a night atop toomangoyah. Awesome - the shadow it cast at sunset stretched for hundreds of miles and then into the sky where the ground...
The only money made thus far has been the fees charged by Kushner. Affinity Partners - Wikipedia Officials who head the Public Investment Fund...
What was its name prior to 1917?
10 at the moment
Gaetz is certainly the leader in name recognition and that could increase when the House Ethics Committee releases its report.
Putting assets into a trust - such a normal thing for a President to do (i thought when i read about this). Like Paul Harvey thanks for the rest...
OK donnie. Put your demands in one hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up faster. What a maroone.
Sometimes youngsters have to put their hand on the stove before they understand why they shouldn’t
Seeing elsewhere that funding for pediatric cancer research was added back in when the bill passed Friday night - in the Senate by Tim Kaine...
Not bribes. Just gratuities.
I was hoping he would get a chance to “run” it in with a goaline dive.
Maybe some of the difference there is the partisan difference between Jim Jordan and Dick Durbin. They are not the same.
OK, you’re right. We dont need to ever consider SCOTUS ethics. Too tribal. Fuhgettaboutit. Of course your response is a tribal one.
Believe it or not. Your choice. As the report states and as i bolded, the report covers ethics of justices appointed by presidents of both...