Gator Nation has collectively agreed that Kelly is a home run hire. Anything short would be disastrous for Stretchleg’s approval rating
This really will go atomic if we don’t hire Kelly and instead get somebody like Strong.
Must get your news straight from Mark Long :D
So 200+ pages for sure. Announcing the hire will be 30+ pages for sure!
Where’s my HC!? Formalities be damned, I want to know if I can be excited about next season or not :confused:
We didn’t want him anyway. Our #2 guy is cheaper and younger so he’s better.
Can’t wait for Finebaum to eat a plate of crow when we spank Bama’s ass in the SECCG
They do realize he went to the Rose Bowl with 10+ win seasons without Mariota right?
Count down the days until next year’s season starts!
That’s fine. They can spin it however they want until Chip turns Franks into a Heisman candidate next year :D
Hire him already! I want to see the rest of the SEC crying sweet, sweet tears of sadness when they realize the Gators are back.
So are we going to call it the Fun & Gun V2.0 or what? I don’t even remember what exciting offense looks like
Joyful day!!!
Don’t you tease me!
Chip Kelly will immediately have Florida in the news as playoff contenders next season. Our hype train will go through the roof!
This is my main problem with Frost. Kelly has no loyalty to another program. All accounts say Frost’s dream job is Nebraska. So who’s to say he...
I think all of you that keep referring to his statement about recruiting need to realize the difference between recruiting in Florida versus...
Chip Kelly would be a damn early Christmas present! I would literally jump for joy at the thought of our offense going forward.
Pictures or it didn’t happen?