I could give you thousands of words if you like, but wanted to keep it brief and hit the major bullet points. Google. YT. It's all right there so...
Maybe you could clarify it then. Won't be holding my breath on this one. . . .
Barney Frank did what his banking financiers TOLD him to do. Same thing they told Bush too. Do some research man, all of this is public record,...
He posts that as if it is some patently logical solution when, in fact, it's just another can of worms to be opened. So, what about regulating the...
Oh, because they're so separate from government. LOL! Where do you think every financial advisor in Washington comes from? As they say, you work...
Are hedge funds and private equity the same thing, or a rung below on Dante's scale?
Don't forget the bankers who've been sucking up for months and buying up lots of Bribe. . . er, Trump Coin. Not that it makes that much of a...
Trust the banks. They've always got your best interests in mind.
Saddle up for the 2028 Olympics!
Yeah, but corruption (deep) has been a LA thing for literal centuries.
I'm no fan of MAGA, but this feels more like a Louisiana thing (especially the no-bid to a buddy) than a MAGA thing. Like, could easily see the...
Where were you last spring? Everyone knew this, but just let MAGA steamroll the entire process. I'm glad DeSantis put his foot down and said "No"...
What can we say. The big girl likes to be the center of attention.
Or even clarify the position. BLING did it better than any of them. That Trump would say this isn't surprising but it is weird that Tubberville is...
You guys all say this, but you had better choices in the primary, choices that would have won by a larger margin and ultimately given you more of...
Based on his meandering attempt at an answer, I'd say it's a definitive "yes" on this one. At least when it comes to "his boy".
Waa. Criticism. So sad. For supposed tough guys, you MAGA boys sure are soft.
It's Trump and MAGA so. . . yeah, obviously it's purely symbolic.
And Republicans aren't? Abortion much? How many times to you think about Abortion in a day? Does that equate to it's relevance in the R party?...