Yeah! 'Cause they're all "libs" anyway! Go CCP!!!
Been saying this since Day 1. He's also partnered on some AI projects as well. Manchurian Candidate indeed!
Who cares? It's never going to beat out Dubai.
IDK. I have a feeling they'll bow. And that's probably in their best interests. Personally, I'd like nothing more than to give the entire region...
But this whole idea that they're cool with it because they (believe) will be raptured is just so un-Christian on face value. So, billions of your...
No, "the problem" is he can only engage in rhetoric. You'll get a similarly evasive and nonsensical reply to this as the other posts. This dude is...
And he'll never back up a single one with anything other than baseless hyperbole. He should probably just change his screen name to "Baseless...
Really? Why? They're automatons.
It's it okay to say Libtard now?
Plus, he's not going to do anything. He owes Musk 1/4 Billion. Who knows how big a check Tim Cook wrote. And both of them have huge stacks of...
Military coup? Fingers crossed
The "moochers" in their twisted, Bizarro Communist, Randian narrative.
Yeah, but isn't this offset by the fact Trump will literally tailor policy if the price is right? I mean, he isn't going to do anything meaningful...
And meaningless.
Because it was all a show. Period. End of story. We got literally nothing. Canada and Mexico aren't doing anything they weren't doing before. As...
Cool. We'll have more to send to GAZA! I'm sure that will go super awesomely.
Except a LOT DUMBER! A LOT!!! Good Lord. These MAGA idiots are cheering the idea of US troops in Gaza. GAZA!!!! On what planet is this a good...
Actually Bush offered an even better deal prior to Clinton. Yeah, this is my whole life. And I've never seen a comparable movement with comparable...
We don't agree much, but you are spot on here. Pining for the end times. Is there anything more un-Christian?
Like everything, right? Like I've said, shoot a baby in the face on national TV. They'd have the narrative justifying it out within an hour with...