Went too long again without a timeout
Great highlight video …. [MEDIA]
I guess it’s possible. Of course, the easy solution would have been to simply move people down if the students didn’t fill those lower seats.
I largely agree. I posted on Twitter… contrary to most opinions… that I respect the acknowledgment of a mistake made and the commitment to not...
My only issue w the explanation was that it was transparently a lie. The students seats were not re-allocated to help the game environment, as...
If he breaks into this routine… it’ll bring the house down! [img]B
So, apparently this went out…. [MEDIA]
Sheesh… I’m amazed that we continue to eat our balls on these type of things. Games like this are huge opportunities… Opportunities to increase...
Fact error… immediate “F” from reporting professor Weston. Lol! Yes- great read, Chris.
I had a couple folks text me reports that the students were moved from the normal courtside location, to upper level seats. i understand students...
Very strange to never sub
Sub guys out. The game is physical, chippy. Let’s not get anyone hurt.
Honestly- this might be a historically bad shooting game we are watching. Wow. 7 of 48
still like the score! Not our style game, but ut missing everything and we are competing for everything. Very gritty half. i suspect we will...
Not loving how this game is being played.
Damn- condon needs to finish
Like the score; not the start.
Chaz getting too many open looks early. We are very fortunate he is missing
Gotta be able to defend better, and when that’s not working… defend differently. Don’t wanna be ncaa hoops version of the Bengals. And I say that...
Yes- he sent me a FB message. Jeff is a good dude.