You know what I like about Jawja fans? ...
The end of capitalism
Every player taking NIL money has to end every sentence with "Brought to you by Carl's Jr" And for my silly one, no more PA systems/music or in...
In mother russia, errr Las Vegas Beaver pounds you.
yup, my patience
Kinda surprised Dean didn't celebrate that hit
One thing is for sure.. you can see that extra practice time really paid off (sides)
No matter how he plays.... [IMG]
Like Liberty or Ole Miss did? Ole Miss was sad he got caught
I can still see those green unis and the spin moves. 1/10 would not recommend
Ours isn't Good for you You have a QB? Must be nice Our rush defense is brutal Defense is break but don't bend Hey we can rush the ball! Why you...
Wish him the best of luck! Go get 'em
The dream of the 90's is alive
Finals coming up right? How does that work?
I have a theory. Them Mormon boys succumb to all the alcohol vapor in the shouts/screams of the vociferous fans in the swamp. That combined...
I tend to doubt that culture is a thing that can be implemented by one individual (it's corporate BS). But what can be done is that like minded...
Huard (sp?) is a beating no matter what he is saying Dude never shuts up... just on and on, even when the replay he is talking over shows the...