Well I bet it's pretty hot where he is now.
Ok, caught the plane landing, enough excitement. Signing out, day off tomorrow fortunately. See ya for 700.
It was his body double. As long as he didn't get groped we are good.
Thanks Tilly. How's your Dad doing? Wish you all the best man.
I didn't hear no presser tomorrow.
Well he looked tired. Don't know that I would say defeated.
Is that Gordon in the bushes?
That's right, 700 is looming.
600+ Great job guys. Thanks Tilly, BenTrill and those who supplied updates. Great thread, great outcome for the Florida Gators. To the...
They'll be plenty happy when they are winning games.
Oh well, there's always the iPod picks, so there's that.
Closed a few years back.
Please let Scott Joplin make an announcement tonight. There's a few new posters that we won't have to hear from after this.
Hey Tilly, Sorry to hear about your Dad. Be sending some thoughts his and your way.
Good morning chasps. Is today the day? Beat the Blazers anyway.
400 yay
call the wambulance!
Gainesville weather gameday : 80 high, 56 low. Cold front moving through Saturday night/Sunday morning bringing some showers. 30% chance of rain.
They're still picking up debris from Irma around here. Related to that Corrine Brown claims she lost all her documents during Irma, looking for a...