What are we doing?
I dont get the approach.
Teen Wolf strikes again.
Thats ok. We are all just a bunch of guys and GALS on here with opinions. LOL. All good. Sorry Gatorgal. Fixed on Edit!
Have you ever played baseball????? LOL. You know Im kidding with you. Personally I felt like the calls set the zone a bit up but you are...
I felt like Floyd got a ton of high strikes that werent and we had some borderline lower zone calls not go our way.
We played against Jared "Bear" Jones our whole travel ball lives up here in ATL. Hes a DUDE! Glad we got him out.
There is a reason we call him Ty "Hindenburg" Floyd over here.
Need a shut down inning here. This umpire is shrinking the zone for the corndogs.
The way this has gone its incredible we are tied 2-2 going to 6
Im cheering for a 30 inning game the Corndogs win. Followed by another 30 inning game that they bounce the Demons. They limp into the finals and...
Hats off to TCU. My youngest is a huge fan so I follow them pretty close. They had a major turnaround mid-season and I really like their skipper.
LETS GOO!!!!!! Winners suck less!
Good grief.
Im leaving that dude in to make somebody bunt that sorcery. Glad he is in their dugout.
This is great TV and terrible baseball. LOL
Nevermind. I think the winner of this gets TCU.
I do not like seeing that. Most people have no idea how much these kids put into what they do. Heartbreaking. Hope its not bad.