Some meaningless bowl game will offer just so they can watch this board argue about players skipping meaningless bowl games.
Might have been good from 5 yards closer in
3rd and we throw behind the line or run up the middle?
Do we lead the country in passes behind the line?
If you have to ask you don't have one.:devil:
I only know "The NIck Adam's Stories" by Hemingway. Geez that man could write!
Did a quick check to compare starters. Dogs - 3 seniors on offense, 3 on defense. Gators - 1 senior on offense, 0 on defense. Dogs - 1 freshman on...
Actually if we're gonna lose, I'd rather get blown out than lose by less than 7. Then I lay awake at night thinking about 1 or 2 plays that cost...
Canes "The Few, The Not So Proud"
Well........The streak is still alive!!!!!o_O
The streak lives!!!
:( I'm somewhere between...but I guess the half of $1.38 million is still a better deal. But if Mayfield gets hurt good luck finding
I'd sit there with a clipboard for 1/2 of what he's making....even though it might affect my social security checks.
He's a junior this year and should be a top 10 pick in the draft. The Colts would love to have him as a legacy.
I would be shocked if Marvin Harrison, Jr. plays college football next year.
Was the nole player of the game the one who face masked the Duke qb out of the game?
I thought they made it on 2nd down and 3rd down
The kid that lived 2 doors down from me growing up was Tom Petty's first drummer (pre-MudCrutch). How many of you are still around that share...
Well....there is
First time I came to Walhalla I saw a town that reminded me of the Gainesville I grew up in, now it's been my home for 18 years.