LOL. No, it's not wild conjecture to say you can't cut the fed budget by 30% without causing harm to people and the economy.
You really believe Trump never cheated on his wife?
That's a start. Only $1,999,950,000,000 to go.
They don't need to do stuff like this to keep the base happy. The base will be happy with Trump no matter what. This was done as a big FU to the...
It's not about working for us. It's about working for Russia.
Yep. Dream big all you pedophiles.
She's a big Putin/Russia fan. You guys are going to love her.
They can look all they want. It's not possible. The only way to cut 2 trillion from the budget is to do serious harm to people and devastate our...
Not possible to cut 2 trillion and have it be only bloat and bullshit.
Yeah, my question was rhetorical. They're not going to cut 2 trillion from the budget. But they may well add 2 trillion to the budget deficit.
This pick will make Putin very very happy.
It doesn't have to. Recess appointment.
So Musk has talked about cutting $2 trillion from the budget. Where's he going to cut it from? Defense? Social Security? Medicare?
Sure. I'll move it there. I really want to see where folks think Elon is going to find $2 trillion to cut out of a $6.5 trillion budget.
Now that the country voted to destroy our democracy, all you can really do is enjoy the shit show and watch it burn.
No problem. Recess appointment.
Being a bronze star recipient, 20 years in the military with highest rank of major, and Ivy educated also doens't make a person qualified to be...
Across the board, so you figure 30% cuts to defense, SS, medicare. Don't think you're going to get it.
So you honestly don't think Trump was unfaithful to his wife?