Putin wanted Ukraine and assumed he could take it in a matter of weeks. Now, nearly 3 years and hundreds of thousands of dead Russian soldiers...
Oh ok. So if there isn't enough evidence of criminal activity, 'lawfare' doesn't work and they shut down the investigation. 'Lawfare' only works...
I would expect him to levy tariffs on everything. He said 'tariffs are the greatest thing ever invented' and campaigned on 60% tariffs on China...
Maybe Musk and Ramaswamy will suggest that. It would personally save them a great deal of money.
You realize you totally contradict yourself when you say 'lawfare is real' followed by 'If they had something on Gaetz, I see about zero chance...
And the country lost.
Did you both vote for Harris then?
As you can see in post 98, native born UE is a 3.9%. And in the last 3 years we've added 9 million private sector jobs and 1.4 million government...
And it apparently caught Trump's transition team by surprise. Nice job of vetting. Get used to this level of incompetence....
Sounds like regulations must not have hurt you much then.
According to every rating I've seen Thomas and Alito are very close on the right. And Sotomayor is well farthest left on the left.
Yeah, I wanted to stick it out through December but changed my mind after these crazy cabinet appointments. Even if stocks ends up rising a...
Did not realize Hunter Biden was nominated for a cabinet post. You have a link for that?
China isn't communist anymore.
When have I ever said $50-100 billion is a minuscule amount. It is not a minuscule amount by itself but it is a small amount compared to the $2...
It's got a weird AI-sounding voice on it.
You found a video that was made in China.
We started at $2 trillion. Now you're down to $50-100 billion. That's more realistic. Glad you understand now.
Trump made his grades an issue when he lied about graduating first in his class. 2 — Trump Lied About Graduating “First In His Class” Trump has...
Yes 'real' wages account for inflation. If real wages are up 3% that means nominal wages outpaced inflation by 3%.