And to add to this, there is no more singularly hypocritical group of people than Trump supporters. Ever. Almost every principled position Pubs...
You're a hoot. Hypocrisy is rife in DC politics on both side. You can use it to rationalize anything if that's the approach you want to take....
While I agree with almost everything here, I think there could indeed be "buzz" about what happened at the party originating from other person(s)...
Good info. She is going to have to respond to this pretty quickly or let it go.
I think there should be an investigation, to get as much information on this as possible and attempt to clear the air for everybody. But to play...
I am as anti-Trump as you can get, no doubt. But whether or not a person who claims to have been a victim of attempted rape and imprisonment...
I didn't realize Clinton was nominated for USSC justice... that's some unexpected news!!!
Why should she... or anyone else facing a Senate hearing... be denied time to prep for that agenda driven political shit show? As far as...
This is a good article. Thanks for posting. As far as Ellison goes, a Supreme Court Justice is far more important than who leads the DNC or RNC,...
Remembering an event, and being prepared to answer attacking questions in a heated political environment are two entirely different things. I...
I think it's reasonable for her to ask for more time to prep for being grilled in front of the Senate. And to make it work reasonably within...
Interesting. I am not sure that makes it clear to what extent he is simply writing about those hard case crime novels and to what extent he...
Thanks. I can see at least part of the reason this guy doesn't want to testify. Would not be pretty for him, having to respond to questions about...
That is an extremely provocative statement in context of this situation... let's provide a link in support of this, or drop it, please. Thanks.
I mostly agree with this. I went to a number of parties back in the day that no way I could tell you where it was, or who a lot of the people were...
If you want to generally bring up what you consider as hypocrisy by Dems, that's your business, but it has nothing to do with what I posted. Which...
Clinton has nothing to do with this conversation. He is not pertinent either in timeline or to the comment you highlighted in red. He never...
Again, you got called out for trivializing a serious assault. And you do it again. While it may be a life lesson for her to avoid getting caught...
He is calling out words from you that engage in victim shaming, name calling and trivializing what is allegedly a serious assault. Personalizing...
While I understand this reaction to people who engage in victim shaming and name calling, it's too broad a brush to label the entire Pub base that...