Did he have control b4 he went out of bounds?
Love a perfect D call!
Lower body injury. Didn’t play today
Question is, are we going to play not to lose against a weaker opponent. What does this type of playing look like against f$u?
And if this is a “building year” start investing now! It’s not like there is a large downside now or the risk is huge.
Against Vandy?
Why not let the back up get some real playing time
Looked like helmet to helmet on Mertz
I was yelling, not out of bounds, then I was like, oh yeah
We need to have that “put half a hundred on them” mindset.
Can’t go soft. Foot on the gas
Collarbone injury
I don’t want ETN to end up being our next Dameon Pierce. Feed the RB that’s working
Urban wanted a running QB that can throw. Leak was a thrower, not a runner. Urban went to passing. BN seems to want a throwing QB, but has a...
You may be right, and not sure if injuries are that likely. :(
I’ll wait a year or two to see. Mullen left us a mixed bag and at least BN has been recruiting. My disappointment is, compared to Urban Meyer...
No scared money from Kirby
If we don’t make AR a true running treat, which he could be, he adds no value as a QB
Anyone scouting the toll roads down to Orlando? :devil: