I never bet on elections, it’s just way too unpredictable ever since Trump entered the race in 2016. I’m fairly confident in a convincing Harris...
It’s hard to gauge where the betting market is going with this. As soon as the Selzer poll came out, Polymarket went all the way down to 53/47...
Agreed. Nobody thinks she’s actually going to win it by +28, just like we don’t think she is going to win Iowa, but if Trump is only somewhere...
Dartmouth and Selzer are both top notch, non-partisan polls. You can choose to ignore the data at your own accord, but I’m just reporting it.
Dartmouth has Harris +28 in NH with a MOE of 4%. If those numbers are even close to true, along with the Iowa and Kansas numbers, look out. NH was...
That’s MAGA delusion for you. Since 2020 when he last held office he’s had an insurrection that he helped instigate happen under his watch, has...
Atlas literally uses Instagram ads for its polling, lol.
People are over Trump at this point - 9 years of the same crap over and over again. Kamala landslide happens tomorrow.
Lol, completely false about the Selzer poll.
Yep, and it’s already started again on Polymarket. Harris trimmed it to 53/47 and now all a sudden it’s back up to 58/42 despite zero credible...
Lol, right wingers are pathetic.
I’d venture to guess it’s going to be heavily female dominated. Only one sex is actively having rights stripped away from them so they have way...
Your daily reminder that your candidate is Donald Trump since you like to project this nonsense onto Harris.
Those women were already voting Trump regardless. The vast majority of women will 100% be casting their vote for Harris. If they turn out in more...
I see virtually no chance Trump takes all the swing states, his sudden alleged uptick in popularity is a mirage when he’s done nothing but...
Trump is the original DEI hire. No political background, no idea how governing works, no idea how to pass a bill or how anything in congress gets...
He doesn’t even know what Marxism is, he just repeats what daddy Trump tells him to and needs Donold to do all the thinking for him.
Anyone voting for Stein as a protest vote for the war in Gaza might as well not even vote. I’m empathetic towards those who are passionate towards...
6% MOE, but I’d still much rather be Harris entering Election Day than Trump with all this new data and the exit poll results we’ve been seeing.