no laws = no country. I am a hard pass on your utopian ideas.
The answer is simple: Enforce Our Laws! That has to be the starting point. FULL STOP.
so true. We can’t reform our immigration policy when people come to table unwilling to acknowledge the cheaters, and are also unwilling to...
I wouldn’t know. I only supported 1 of them.
More complicated than that and also irrelevant. Most criminal immigrants don’t surrender to ice, they flee them. Further, putting all the...
I don’t give a crap what a “MAGA” calls anyone. How is that relevant to my life? I worked on his campaign for President when I was at UF. I met...
and an adjective. Never as a noun.
it’s a F’ing acronym for a political slogan. Nothing bizarre about stating the obvious. ITS NOT A NOUN!
I know this woman blames Russia for everything… [IMG]
that would only be the case, if they’re following the rules to seek asylum. Since the vast majority of them are not, then they would be illegal....
it is apparent that you do not know how the English language works. An acronym is not a noun. I never said that. It’s an abbreviation. The...
F no. Do a sting instead. Set up locations in all the cities for illegal migrant aid and when they show up to get free stuff round them up and...
No, because NASA is an acronym for an agency, which is a noun. MAGA is an acronym for a slogan, which is….well…a slogan. Come back tomorrow and...
thank you for the post. You learn something new every day. is this supposed to be a slur, or did someone just co-op the acronym to use as...
You just literally put together a bunch of words in a paragraph because you didn’t know how to spell “Duh”. WTF are you attempting to say?
how dense do you have to be to post such ridiculous nonsense. I specifically identified what MAGA means because it’s an effing acronym. It is not...
That was a GREAT article.
This is true. Just today CNN had a two hour special where all of the residents of Gaza were helping the Israeli soldiers find all of the tunnels....
solidarity with people who want to throw you off of buildings? No thank you. I would just rather eliminate them.
I love it when people come on this message board and speak in absolutes, like everyone understands your language. I still have no idea what the...