we share the same distain for the system. I don’t think a single person in this country without authority should ever be able to get citizenship....
Not revoke, deny. But I’m sure they can also revoke asylum as well under certain conditions, just like the state can revoke your driving...
I didn’t say anything about yanking anything. Not sure where you’re getting that from. I interpreted your question as asking me to explain, in...
Good summary in the link you provided. Shows how stupid our immigration system is.
our country has retained the right to say “no” if the immigrant doesn’t like it, too bad. Do you get it now?
or, perhaps we should only allow those people in the country that provide a benefits to our country, and keep those who do not provide a benefit...
The way I am applying privilege is not meaningless. Again, it is the very foundation of our society. You have rights and you have privileges. They...
enforcing our immigration laws benefits, the entire country, including the immigrants. The executive branch, which is charged with enforcing our...
the solution is not too create an incentive or atmosphere to allow people to linger in our country while Their claims are being adjudicated. That...
everyone on this message Board is now dumber for reading your post. You really have no idea what you’re talking about. The fact that you are...
WTF are you talking about? Do you understand the significant distinction between a right and a privilege in our legal system/Republic? It’s only...
i’m not thinking of it any way. I’m stating a fact. Are you disagreeing with my anssertion? Asylum is a privilege. The same way that driving a car...
applying for asylum is a legal right, obtaining asylum is a privilege.
If you lie in your application, then yes.( likely)
I swear I want to bitch slap some teachers, because they failed you. You were never taught what an acronym is. Also, you don’t seem to understand...
I agree. But… Asylum is a privilege, not a right. But it is a right that our country affords under limited circumstances, and those rules need to...
what facilities?
This speaks more to the company you keep, not the poll results.
don’t forget all the cheap agricultural specialists, young sex workers and medications that Biden is providing our Country.
Then what? These people don’t leave. Can we agree that all of these people should be forced to vacate the premises, and if they don’t do so...