I made my bones in the rep game. :D
There were a bunch of us in the pub who played a rep game, to accumulate the stars. There were some folks with not that many posts, but hella lot...
I am drawing a parallel between arguing for holding ordinary Palestinians responsible for what Hamas does with then also holding ordinary...
So should we hold all republican GWB supporters responsible for the killing of 100s of thousands of Iraqi civilians? Why give them any benefit of...
It will get ugly. Already is and it's a horrendous tragedy in which right now I can only imagine terrible consequences very long into the future....
I def understand that about Hamas. It's their stated intention to destroy Israel and I would have no problem in destroying them. But we can't so...
Hamas reportedly only won a plurality (44%) in the last election and there are supposedly factions within Hamas that doesn't support terrorism....
I can understand why you and others might find it a difficult ethical question, but I don't personally believe it is. There is no moral or ethical...
How do you know VA is well endowed? And why are you so focused on his big boy?
That isn't any justification to annihilate an entire country.
I'm not prepared to weigh in much because this is something in which I don't have a lot of knowledge about. Also didn't mean to imply that it was...
That would be Hamas. Can't hold every Palistinean responsible.
Seems as if bibi focused on the West Bank and mistakenly believed that their underground walls to stop Hamas from building tunnels would be enough.
She might have something chronic. She had gotten sick I think about a decade ago. Not sure though and never pried. @lacuna no caps :) [ATTACH]
Riveting is right.
Never had any of the flavored ones. I need to try. BTW, asked my wife about natto. She's like no way. She hates it. Though she was surprised...
GK & Mrs GK's brick: Emerson Hall Plaza, Memorial Section Gatornana's brick: Emerson Hall Plaza, Section 2. FWIW, we didn't get to choose where...
Thanks! It's quite possible that I've might have had natto before and didn't know it. My wife is Japanese and sometimes ferments soybeans for...
I think feisty is the most apropos descriptor. :)
Not ignoring LFPR in the short term, but saying it doesn't tell us much of anything. In any two-month period, the most frequent change is .1 up or...