Has not liberal socialism been your employer? Provided you healthcare? Can't be all that bad. :)
I don't doubt that is a factor. Just question that any acceleration would be distinguishable from what is a constant (and thus inevitability).
Automation has long been embraced by fast food cos to reduce human labor. I doubt it will noticeably if at all speed up what is an inevitable reality.
2000+ years of fighting in that region is good grounds for skepticism. Plus religion Mix of anger and sadness to see anyone cheering on Hamas....
Me neither!
Yes, but it was over 35 years ago. My ship ported in Haifa for a week. I had the opportunity to take a trip to Jerusalem with about a dozen other...
Never even tried to suggest that you hated Palestinians. My issue, more generally, is how we humans morally justify killing. We create these...
"They train their kids to hate Jews from a very young age. Evil is the norm there. This is not a small radical violent minority, it is the norm."...
By trying to justify or explain away not holding others responsible for the actions of a minority in a similar manor to how you hold all...
I don't have an answer as to how. Seems intractably difficult. Not like problems in this region have been solved after a few thousand years. And...
Same aroma.
Do you blame ordinary Russians for 9k dead Ukranian civilians? Do you blame all Americans for the 100s of thousands dead Iraqis? It is a small...
What of those that didn't choose Hamas or were coerced to choose or under threat not to speak out against them? Ascribing guilt to all...
If this was the city in Texas where you lived, and some foreign entity gave everyone in your city a similar ultimatum--take refuge in Mexico...
Quite literally in the post you responded to. But there are several others. Giving civilians the option to either flee their homes or suffer the...
When people talk about leveling gaza, regardless of who is left there that doesn't leave, that is annihilation...not a red herring. If this was...
Define worst :) Dude is a one man crime wave with a completely fabricated bio.
I don't disagree that Israel has a right to go after Hamas and that there will be collateral deaths. But what they don't have is a license to...
If you're saying Palestinians as a whole share some blame then you are holding them responsible, at least in a way that ostensibly provides moral...
lol, absolutely! I was hotline bling until GC switched platforms