Is nobody willing to admit something is troublesome over there or are we all “CBN perfect/player bad/part of the plan/be patient” etc. Dude- this...
Very very very early. How early? So early that you’d be like “oh no, this is so early. Early Thomas. My name is Early. Early the pearly
Yeah. If it didn’t matter then there wouldn’t be entire social media/sites/ESPN features/millions of dollars invested /fan sites all dedicated...
Nailed it. Just listened to Cover 3 with. Scathing remarks on our spring game. “CBN seems a bit snake bit at QB- refused to alter offense for AR,...
should be riveting to watch
I agree with this. I don’t think we need tacky or gimmicky stuff but we need to switch it up a bit. And in the end, it doesn’t matter what I want…...
Alright- I’ll be the jerk that takes lumps for starting this - but I think it matters. (Note- if you are over 70, think we should be Alabama,...
I agree with most of this- CBN has next level run packages. The problem is the passing game is archaic and you HAVE to throw it to win. No...
I’m very hopeful about the new direction on D. Offensive strategy looks Muschampian
D more aggressive, energy, mixed up blitzes… offense bland, predictable, bad footwork by qbs, good zip by Miller bad ball placement, no creativity...