I think Trump has in mind the passage in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus goes into a polling place and drives out all the vote changers, calling...
If Trump really meant "peacefully," why did he want medal detectors taken down in that march, knowing that some of that mob could have arms....
"When will old man Trump pass the torch?" When he and other inmates attempt to escape from prison using a blowtorch. Trump can easily afford to...
The next time I see Trump speak, I’m going to watch for this. Michael Cohen said today on CNN that whenever you see Trump’s accordion hand...
I haven't heard it in 82 years. (Till today.)
Trump is de-committing? He's been following too much college football recruiting.
I assume that Trump will be handing out the Brian Sicknick Award among others to the attackers, this one "for making a major contribution to the...
Norvell needs to win just enough games every year (and there are enough easy games on the schedule) to hold down that job. We don't need a certain...
MAGA thinks?
Electing Donald Trump is saving America? This oxymoronic gibberish is a good example of how utterly screwed up this country has become. The fact...
A mysterious whirring sound in Arlington National Cemetery has been investigated. It turned out to be RFK Sr. spinning in his grave.
Those brain worms are bad news.
I guess that's a combination of skag and Kamala. Just a guess, but I wouldn't doubt the intention one bit.
Judging by this final night's list of speakers, it looks like the convention's organizers will again ensure that the main speaker, tonight's being...
Walz is trying to hide the fact that he's a sleeper agent for China. (I learned this from FoxNews.) So he behaves in a very un-Chinese-like...
The thing that struck me the most about Biden's speech, according to the closed captions, was when he said "we're building a better American...
It's a sad statement about America that someone saying Trump is "unfit" is newsworthy. Why doesn't everyone know it? "Ears to hear and eyes to...
Well, thank God there's only one overall repulsive person running in this election. Otherwise I would have to call the quoted statement projection...
O Orange One, please save us from Kamabla! She's not even as good-looking as you! I know you can do this, O Thou Who Hast Done Nothing Wrong!...
I think his supporters will donate their money to him, as they usually do, this time so that he can live comfortably in Caracas, Venezuela, which...