That and they probably threatened to put kiddie porn on his computer just to be on the safe side.
Fact remains none of these people flooding into the country will ever vote for the pubs so all it really boils down to is future voters.
LOL yeah, minorities are pub locks...whatchu smoking?
You're racist, the old shut down the argument card. All they want is new voters, if all these illegals were trump lovers, they'd be mowing them...
LOL, she's going against the trumpster's wishes, you guys should be in love...
That's the new definition of governing, spend our money as fast as humanly possible. Any deviation from this formula and you're batshit crazy.
Same old shit. Lefites don't work with GOP, well they're standing up for their principles, right on man!. Righties don't work with dems, they're...
The govt's most always the source of disinformation, considering we are ruled by a bunch of lying sociopaths.
Yeah, not sure there's a dimes worth of difference between johnson and jefferies.
Did her dog die too?
Free speech...:emoji_grimacing: [MEDIA]
All the states with any sense left will just ignore this crap.
LOL, settled?
So now debt and deficits matter? So confusing...
Pickup with a gun rack? :p
Purchasing a reservation...:emoji_joy:
LOL, her statement clears everything up...:rolleyes:
Disagree, 10 dollar quarter pounder implies it comes as a sane person buys the burger without fries and a drink. :)