Makes sense, with that loaded gun he could have possibly killed the actor due to be involved in the next gunfight instead.
Yeah, you could go back quite a ways with that scenario.
So when are the demented debates scheduled? Sounds like must watch TV.
According to THFSG, biden gets a pass but nothing of the sort would be afforded any pub potus, especially...:emoji_joy:
Awesome, gas should start dropping like a rock...:(
Yep, we've been looking for a sucks, is putting it lightly.
Come on man, no one could have predicted all this inflation...:emoji_joy:
Damn, that would suck big time!
LOL, cirque de soliel, yeah grew up a surfer but as I've gotten older...glad you beat it! Always think of the old steve martin movie and drunk...
No way I could pass a field sobriety test anymore, balance is shot. Also heard horror stories of breathalyzers being way could be...
LOL, so all a cop has to do is say they smell pot and they can legally search your car?
That's too funny and true. When it comes to trump, I always compare this place with the 6 degrees of kevin bacon. Honestly, kept waiting for...
Come on man, we gotta lot of fruit to pick! :emoji_joy:
CPI only matters to the team in power, if you grocery shop at all you know it sucks.
Yeah you've got a big thread with folks saying inflation's no big deal, that rarely/never eat out any more and only shop BOGO's. :emoji_joy:
No one should ever take that woman seriously again.
just made it...
Pfffft, debt doesn't it here all the time.