this chart could exist if humans were causing global cooling. Empiricism is a tricky bitch.
Can you produce 1 of these posts? I will say that after you failed to produce a single post of mine supporting a leftist or leftist cause the...
do you think fentanyl kills people? does that make you big gov? Do you think football leads to injuries? Does that make you big gov? can you show...
oh yeah, I should have said cooler. My pt. what if the climate is naturally cooling 3 degrees a year, but due to human produced CO2, it is only...
Good Grief. The whole GW arg is a ceteris paribus arg. Humans create CO2, CO2 traps heat. All that is needed is that it is warmer than it would be...
this is where the climate folks shoot themselves in the foot. YOU DON'T NEED EARTH TO BE WARMING FOR THERE TO BE MANMADE GW!!!
that CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere. You can go to YouTube & find home experiments if you are skeptical. What other evidence would you need?
why? I am not a macro or monetary economist, but I bet 3% annually would be far better for an economy than a 2% avg with sig variance. fun fact....
It is probably happening right now. If you expect prices to rise in the future that causes inflation right now. I expect inf to keep creeping...
my first consulting gig was for the S. Ute tribe. They owned gas rights on non Rez land (& of course on the Rez), but the landowners owned the...
the price of NG outta the Permian basin was neg a lot in 2024 [IMG]
Once again (leftist) bullshit walks
que? I get it when discussing inanimate objects. In fact a very handsome dude asked to borrow a guitar of mine & I said - via text - he could use...
maga socialist logic Perhaps in the morning after you wake up with your 2 beer hangover under your Che Guevara blankie you can provide evidence of...
wages tend to be really sticky. Hey Bob, we got -3% inflation, we're cutting your pay.
I don't think they would drop their prices unless the price they pay dropped. Anyway, it ain't gonna happen. Besides, prices tend to be very sticky
even then, just dropping say 10% with no expectation of further retreats would be fine. It is the expectation of prices being lower in the future...
the ole 5 y.o. defense. [IMG]
You gotta remember Trump is mostly bluster & m@rketing. He very well may put 25% on very little in the end & declare a great victory. Show me the...