I gotta side with the covering up the extent of Biden's declined state. It involved a lot of media, politicians, etc. It was a coordinated...
didn't take long for lawfare to become patriotic.
you are arguing that the instigation arg is appropriate for people over the age of 5? But, dad, all the boys were raping her. [IMG]
1 of the drivers of inflation is expected inflation. So, what's happing right now reflects what they next admin might do. True story. A dude was...
why do you care if she went after a leftist NFT salesman?
Just win baby! 11-0!
ahhh, having no clue about the constitution feeds your terror. not surprised; &, your investment strategies. Lol
why? Are you a black Belgium woman or sumpin'? I think it is a science fact that terrified white suburban males are the most likely to own a gun.
must be takin' a page outta fentanyl's book.
you know. for freedom.
that's my conclusion. But, I disagree in that I don't see why social constructs are NOT real.* I enjoy thinking about time & to some extent...
Here’s a way to avoid corruption. Just disband the USPS. No need to privatize
need to privatize marriage too. so dumb to have gov involved.
Good idea
if universes are infinite, surely I banged Tuesday Weld in 1 of 'em. So, I gots 'at going for me.
why? I was the 1 who introduced the notion of volatility. You were clear imo.