Correct, plays are only routine AFTER they’re made.
Answer the challenge hitters, it’s there!
Nope—you would expect this out of an ACCN broadcast.
Why the heck do we go to a commercial break in mid-inning???
Does Clemente kinda/sorta have Sproat mannerisms on the mound to anybody else?
Gotta love those 2 out RBI hits!
Brody’s offseason adjustments are paying dividends.
Good job of staying focused by Clemente.
Hanging breaking ball…
Thanks for posting!
Atta boy Mr. Cyr!
Most of Clemente’s misses were up—I’d rather see going up by design—much more effective that way.
SP-Earl Estridge—NEVER heard of him….
I completely agree with your sentiment @iowagator — but I think our team will fare much better one game one week at the time. PS June should get...
I much prefer “he put a charge in that one”…
Brody’s HR was impressive to say the least but I was just as impressed with the line drive singles we got all over the field tonight. Good job...
Now that was a good job of getting outta the gate Gators! As always, thanks @Gatorgal04 for another great PBP-you’re the best.
Luke’s hit it on the screws twice tonight with nothing to show for it….that’s baseball!
I’m not familiar-is RRed in softball the same as run rule in baseball?;)