Not sure why. He will remain with the school and work toward his degree.
We finish the season losing to Georgia, Texas A&M, and Florida State. We cannot stop a nosebleed on defense and we make average quarterbacks look...
We just moved to 19 and ahead of FSU now with the addition of Caleb Douglas.
Close so far!
Right, the rhetoric from the anti-vaxx crowd is that infected immunity is superior. You can easily be infected a second time regardless if you...
Opinions are like A holes. Everyone has one.
So what.
So much for infected immunity. My unvaccinated sister in law has been infected twice in less than 5 months.
Why bother getting vaccinated? Because you greatly reduce the risk of severe infection, hospitalization and death.
There is no politics being played here. What you posted was allocations PER WEEK. Florida has gotten 30,000 allocations the past 3 weeks.
It doesn't matter what caused the heart attack, the point is that the incidence rate has been increasing over the years and pointing out that 4...
Looks to just be coincidence. Leading cardiologist says cluster of collapses in footballers likely to be 'coincidence' | Daily Mail Online
If the vaccine didn’t work as you claimed then we would be seeing just as many vaccinated hospitalized or dying as unvaccinated regardless of age...
Then why have the majority of the those hospitalized or died are among the unvaccinated?
I was being sarcastic with my comment as one of the anti-vaxxers arguments is that vaccines aren’t working.
But but but vaccines don’t work.