9 turn overs UF to 5 for tide
Media time out 14:47 52-55 tide
3 of 14 from 3 UF 3 of 11 bama
UF 8 turn overs Tide 5
Also rebounds
24 rebounds UF 18 tide
Check it out..did shooting % and runs
7-0 run by tide They take the lead with a 3 36-38 tide
Tide in bonus
6-0 run by UF
45% shooting UF to 44% tide
No..just reporting stats
Make it 6 fouls on us still 3 on them
5 fouls on us to 3 on them
Missing FTs..
Bases loaded 2 outs
15-17 tide
9-0 by bama
Anyone with ESPN +? Perhaps could do the PBP? I don't have ESPN +-I am like Ocalaman :)